AD’s spokesman on Home Affairs Carmel Cacopardo deplored speculations and a heavy dose of criticism of the Labour Party and the media close to it on Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici who is currently in hospital pending a serious operation. One expect a sense of loyalty and ethical behaviour even in respect of political adversaries. There are appropriate opportunities to criticise government and its operations. AD never fails to criticism government when this is necessary. However, concluded Cacopardo there is an appropriate time for this.
Michael Briguglio AD Chairman concluded by wishing Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici a quick recovery and his return to his Ministerial duties
Verzjoni bil-Malti:
Il-kelliemi ta’ AD ghall-Intern Carmel Cacopardo qal li AD tiddeplora l-ispekulazzjoni u l-attakki tal-Partit Laburista u l-media vicin tieghu fuq il-Ministru Carm Mifsud Bonnici waqt li dan qieghed rkoverat l-isptar jistenna biex jaghmel operazzjoni serja. Wiehed jistenna lealta u sens ta’ etika anke fil-konfront ta’ avversarji politici. Il-kritika ghall-operat tal-Gvern hemm hin addattat biex issir. AD qatt ma qaghdet lura milli taghmel il-kritika ghall-hidma tal-Gvern. Imma dan ghandu jsir f’waqtu, tenna Cacopardo.
Michael Briguglio Chairman ta’ AD ikkonkluda billi wassal lill-Ministru Carm Mifsud Bonnici ix-xewqat ta’ AD ghal-fejqan u li jerga’ lura ghal hidmietu f’qasir zmien.