Broadcasting Authority political schedule speaks for itself: stifling debate
The Broadcasting Authority has denied the claims put forward by Alternattiva Demokratika that contrary to recent elections, AD was being kept out of the debates with the PL and the PN as well as a broadcast at the end of the campaign. AD is attaching the schedule proposed by the BA that speaks for itself.
L-iskeda tax-xandiriet politiċi tikxef il-ħsieb tal-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir li xxekkel id-dibattiti dwar l-ideat
L-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir ċaħdet dak li stqarret Alternattiva Demokratika, jiġifieri li kuntrarju għal dak li ġara fl-elezzjonijiet ta’ qabel, AD kienet tneħħiet mid-dibattiti mal-PL u l-PN, kif ukoll appell fl-ahhar tal-kampanja. AD qed tippubblika l-iskeda proposta mill-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir, skeda li titkellem b’mod ċar.