Boycott financing of Gasan and Tumas towers

Photo - The Malta Independent
Photo – The Malta Independent

Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party has called on environmental NGOs and Maltese environmentalists to unite in organising a boycott of the financing process of the high-rise buildings in Imrieħel and Tas-Sliema approved recently by the Planning Authority. A boycott of the bond issue to finance the projects would be a very strong and effective message against the towers.

This was stated by Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party when commenting on the proposal reported in the media this morning, calling for the organisation of a boycott of services and products marketed by the Gasan and Tumas Groups.

Cacopardo added that civil society should send a clear message that those who are prepared to finance these projects do not deserve the support of the Maltese population.  It is more effective, concluded Cacopardo if the boycott is directly linked to the financing process of the high-rise buildings.

AD: appell għal boycott tal-finanzjament tat-torrijiet ta’ Gasan u Tumas

Alternattiva Demokratika issejjaħ lill-għaqdiet ambjentali u lill-ambjentalisti Maltin biex jingħaqdu flimkien halli jkun organizzat boycott tal-proċess tal-finanzjament tat-torrijiet fl-Imriehel u f’Tas-Sliema, approvati mill-Awtorita tal-Ippjanar riċentament meta joħorġu l-bonds għall-pubbliku biex jiġu iffinanzjati dawn il-proġetti.

Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika huwa u jikkummenta dwar il-proposta li saret fil-media dalgħodu biex ikun organizzat boycott tal-prodotti u servizzi li joffru d-ditti ta’ Gasan u Tumas.

Cacopardo żied jgħid li s-soċjeta ċivili għandha tagħti messaġġ ċar li min hu lest li jiffinanzja dawn il-progetti ma jixraqlux l-appoġġ tal-popolazzjoni Maltija.  Huwa iktar effettiv, ikkonkluda li l-boycott ikun direttament marbut u iffukat fuq il-finanzjament tat-torrijiet infushom.
