Birzebbuga residents once again facing MEPA’s incompetence
AD – The Green Party feels that it is once more declaring its support and solidarity to Birzebbuga residents who are once more faced with the consequences of MEPA’s incompetence.
This was stated by Carmel Cacopardo, AD’s spokesman on Sustainable Development and Local Government with reference to dredging works scheduled to be carried out at the Freeport in the near future.
“In a development permit issued by MEPA (PA 7189/07 dated 14 October 2009) it was established that dredging works were not to be carried out during the official bathing season. Notwithstanding this condition the Freeport is in the process of commencing dredging works shortly, in view of the Notice to Mariners issued by Transport Malta in order that they remove sea craft from the area. In the development permit Freeport seems to have circumvented the whole issue and will be carrying out dredging works during the bathing season. The conditions of the MEPA permit and consequently the protection which they afforded to residents are now practically worthless.”
“MEPA has once more proven that it is strong with the weak (the residents) and weak with the strong (The Freeport). MEPA’s reform has not been of any use. Those who have the necessary contacts can still defy the rules with impunity. The government led by Lawrence Gonzi (who as Minister for the Environment is directly responsible for MEPA) is either incompetent or an accomplice in this matter.”
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson said that “it is becoming clearer than ever that all the environmental rhetoric of the Nationalist Government is nothing more than empty words. The election of AD candidates will bring about a pro-environment and pro-residents presence in decision-making structures.”
Ir-residenti ta’ Birzebbuga ghal darb’ohra qed jiffaccjaw l-inkompetenza tal-MEPA
Alternattiva Demokratika ghal darba ohra tiddikjara l–appogg u s-solidarjeta’ taghha mar-residenti ta’ Birzebbuga fil-konfront tal-inkompetenza tal-MEPA.
Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo, kelliemi ta’ AD ghall-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Gvern Lokali dwar ix-xoghol ta’ thammil li ser isir fil-Port Hieles f’dawn il-granet.
“F’permess mahrug mill-MEPA (PA 7189/07 datat 14 t’Ottubru 2009) gie stabilit li xoghol ta’ thammil ma ghandux isir fl-istagun tal-ghawm. Minkejja dan fil-granet li gejjin il-Port Hieles ser jibda xoghol ta’ thammil u dan billi Transport Malta harget l-Avviz lill-Bahhara biex jitnehhew l-ingenji tal-bahar mill-inhawi. Il-Freeport minkejja l-kundizzjonijiet tal-permess jidher li “irranġa” biex ix-xoghol tat-thammil xorta jsir fl-istagun tal-ghawm. Il-kundizzjonijiet tal-permess tal-MEPA ghalhekk ġew ma jiswew xejn ! B’hekk giet fix-xejn il-protezzjoni li l-MEPA suppost qed taghti lir-residenti.”
“Il-MEPA għal darba oħra uriet li hi b’saħħitha ma min hu dgħajjef (ir-residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa) u dgħajfa ma’ min hu b’saħħtu (mal-Freeport). Ir-riforma tal-MEPA jidher li ma swiet għal xejn. Għax min hu b‘saħħtu baqa’ jagħmel li jrid billi jisfida r-regoli minghajr ma jigrilu xejn. Il-Gvern immexxi minn Lawrence Gonzi, (li bhala Ministru ghall-Ambjent hu direttament responsabbli ghall-MEPA) jew hu inkompetenti, inkella huwa kompliċi f’dak li ser isir fil-Port Hieles.”
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD qal li “ghal darb’ohra jidher bic-car li r-retorika tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista favur l-ambjent m’hi xejn hlief kliem fieragh. L-elezzjoni ta’ kandidati ta’ AD iggib maghha prezenza favur ir-residenti u favur l-ambjent fl-istrutturi fejn jittiehdu d-decizzzjonijiet”.