‘Be trasparent’. This is the reaction of Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party to the denial published by the Maltese Government relative to the report in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale on a secret agreement between Malta and Italy through which Italy is shouldering search and rescue operations for immigrants in Maltese waters in exchange for oil drilling rights in contested areas in the zone between Malta and Italy.
Carmel Cacopardo Deputy Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika stated that it is fine for Government to issue a denial but at this stage this is insufficient. The denial on its own will not solve anything. It is pretty obvious that there exists some agreement on the matter, even if this is one which is only based on the traditional friendship between Malta and Italy.
It would have been much better if in addition to the denial Government published all the documentation which it has in its possession about what was actually agreed to with the Italian Government.
Alternattiva Demokratika, concluded Carmel Cacopardo makes one request of Malta’s Government: put all your cards on the table, immediately.
Be transparent.
‘Kun trasparenti’. Din hi r-reazzjoni ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika ghac-cahda tal-Gvern Malti ghar-rapport fil-gazzetta Taljana Il Giornale li hemm xi ftehim sigriet bejn Malta u l-Italja li permezz tieghu sar tpartit bejn it-tiftix ghall-immigranti u d-dritt ghat-tiftix ghaz-zejt f’area ikkontestati bejn Malta u l-Italja.
Carmel Cacopardo Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika qal li hu tajjeb li l-Gvern cahad dak li gie rappurtat imma dan mhux bizzejjed. Ic-caħda ftit li xejn ser issolvi. Ghax hu ovvju li xi tip ta’ ftehim hemm. Anke jekk hu ftehim li hu biss wiehed ibbazat fuq il-hbiberija bejn Malta u l-Italja.
Kien ikun tajjeb kieku l-Gvern, apparti c-caħda, ippubblika d-dokumentazzjoni kollha li ghandu dwar l-arranġamenti li wasal ghalihom mal-Gvern Taljan.Is-sejha li Alternattiva Demokratika taghmel lil Gvern, ikkonkluda Carmel Cacopardo hi wahda: poggi l-karti kollha fuq il-mejda, illum qabel ghada. Kun trasparenti.