At the start of the new scholastic year, the Education spokesperson for AD Mario Mallia thanked all those who helped to have schools ready and welcoming to receive students today. Mallia also thanked so many LSAs and teachers who gave up so much of their time during summer to prepare themselves well for the new year.
Mallia also reiterated the need for schools to continue fostering a strong sense of reflection which accompanies action through the building of learning communities.
“It is through such communities of reflection that education can become even more inclusive of all children”.
For this to be more possible, AD insists with education authorities on the need to continue to nurture initiative and innovation in schools. This should be made more possible through structures which are more decentralised; where there is more space for decisions to be taken in schools themselves within their particular contexts. Mallia also emphasised the need for more investment in support services including social workers, counsellors and family therapists among others, and that these setups are as close to individual schools as possible. AD also hopes for more information regarding the implementation of the Learning Outcomes Framework, which is presently a source of uncertainty among educators. Lastly, AD reiterated its best wishes to parents whilst urging them, in particular fathers, to be more present in their children’s educational journey.
Fil-bidu ta’ sena skolastika gdida, il-kelliem ghall-edukazzjoni ta’ Alternttiva Demokratika Mario Mallia radd hajr lil kull min hadem biex l-iskejjel ikunu lesti u akkoljenti biex jilqghu l-istudenti illum.
Mallia radd hajr ukoll lil tant ghalliema u LSAs li b’tant ghozza u impenn uzaw minn hinhom biex ihejju ruhhom kif jixraq ghal sena skolastika gdida. Tenna wkoll l-awgurju ghal sforzi ikbar biex l-iskejjel ikomplu jkunu ghajn ta’ riflessjoni u azzjoni permezz ta’ bini ta’ komunitajiet ta’ taghlim.
“Huwa permezz ta’ dawn il-komunitajiet li tkun possibbli edukazzjoni iktar inklussiva li tindokra kull tifla u tifel”, tenna jghid Mallia. Biex dan ikun iktar possibbli, AD theggeg lill-awtoritajiet edukattivi biex jindukraw dejjem izjed is-sens ta’ inizjattiva, impenn u innovazzjoni fl-iskejjel permezz ta’ strutturi iktar decentralizzati fejn id-decizjonijiet jittiehdu fl-iskejjel stess fl-isfond tal-kuntest partikulari taghhom. Mallia enfasizza wkoll il-bzonn ta’ investiment akbar f’support services bhal social workers, counsellors u family therapists fost ohrajn, u li dawn ikunu iktar vicin l-iskejjel individwali. AD tittama wkoll li kemm jista’ jkun malajr jithabbar pjan car ta’ implimentazzjoni tal-Learning Outcomes Framework li qed ikun sors ta’ thassib ghal tant ghalliema. Fl-ahhar nett, tawgura lill-genituri sena ta’ sodisfazzjon fejn uliedhom jikbru fl-gherf, filwaqt li theggighom, partikularment lill-missirjiet, biex ikunu iktar prezenti fil-vjagg edukattiv ta’ wliedhom.