Are the red flags being ignored?

ADPD – The Green Party candidate on the 6th and 12th Districts Sandra Gauci expressed her concern that the red flags of domestic violence still seem to be ignored. “We still are fresh from Paulina Dembska’s murder and now we have the second femicide of the year. Rita Ellul has been strangled by her partner who she had reported for domestic violence and nothing seemed to have happened. The red flags were all there but again they were ignored. If we continue this way Malta will top Europe as the country having the most femicides in a year. Such a sad depressing gold medal. May justice prevail.”

”Everyday somewhere in this country, a woman must go through her normal errands in life, or go to her home, with the feeling of being under imminent danger: a danger which can happen at any time. The perpetrator could be anyone: from someone close to us to a stranger. This constant living on alert has become something which many women have become used to. Couple this with reports of harassment or violence not being taken seriously or the victim being passed off as a liar and you have the perfect recipe for despair.”


Is-sinjali ta’ periklu qed jiġu njorati?

Il-kandidata ta’ ADPD – The Green Party fuq is-sitt u t-tnax-il distrett Sandra Gauci esprimiet tħassib li s-sinjali ta’ periklu min-nisa li jirrappurtaw vjolenza domestika għadhom mhux qed jittieħdu bis-serjetà biżżejjed.

“Għadna niftakru l-qtil brutali ta’ Paulina Dembska, u issa ftit ġimgħat wara għandna t-tieni femiċidju tas-sena. Rita Ellul inqatlet fgata mis-sieħeb tagħha. Ir-rapporti ta’ Rita Ellul dwar vjolenza domestika mid-dehra ma waslu mkien. Milli jidher is-sinjali ta’ periklu għal Ellul kienu kollha hemm imma ġew injorati. Jekk nibqgħu sejrin hekk Malta se tieġu l-medalja tad-deheb għal femiċidji fl-Ewropa kollha. J’alla l-ġustizzja ssir.”

”Kuljum x’imkien f’dal-pajjiż, mara jew tfajla tgħix fil-biża – kemm jekk barra waħeda jew lura d-dar. L-agressur jista’ jkun xi ħadd ma tafux jew anke xi qarib jew konoxxenza tagħha. Din is-sitwazzjoni mhux aċċettabbli. Lanqas m’hija aċċettabbli li rapport ta’ fastidju jew vjolenza ma tantx jittieħdu bis-serjetà.”
