A delegation from Alternattiva Demokratika made up of Chairperson Prof. Arnold Cassola and Deputy Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo today met with the Board set up by the Prime Minister and made up of the Ombudsman, the National Auditor and the Chief Electoral Commission on their invitation to submit proposals on the salaries of holders of political office.
Alternattiva Demokratika submitted the following proposals:
1. The post should be a full time post and no other work should be allowed. The salary should be in part a flat sum with the rest linked to actual attendance in parliament for committee and plenary work.
2.The MP’s work must be strictly within the framework of parliament. No appointments in government-appointed Boards should be permitted.
3. Parliamentarians and Ministers will be entitled to receive a NI contributory pension just like any other citizen and on the same criteria. This means bringing to an end the present system of honoraria.
4. Ministers and parliamentarians cannot receive a pension while they are still serving as parliamentarians (as is still happening now with some) and/or Ministers.
5. When travelling on parliamentary or ministerial business, parliamentarians and ministers must travel in economy class and hotels used must not be superior to the four star category.
6. There should be equality in terms of access. Linking pay with attendance and participation in committees presupposes such equality of access. This means that parliament sittings should be held in family-friendly times to make it possible for all Members of Parliament to participate.
1. Il-ħatra għandha tkun waħda fulltime job li ma jippermetti l-ebda xogħol ieħor. Is-salarju jkun in parti somma fissa u parti oħra marbuta mal-preżenza kemm għal xogħol fil-Parlament propju kif ukoll għal xogħol fil-kumitati.
2. Xogħol l-MP hu fil-Parlament. L-ebda ħatra f’Bordijiet appuntat mill-Gvern m’għandu jkun permissibli.
3. Il-Parlamentari u l-Ministri jkunu intitolati għall-pensjoni kontributorja tal-NI bħal kull cittadin Malti ieħor, u bl-istess kundizzjonijiet. Dan ifisser it-tmiem tas-sistema preżenti ta’ onorarja.
4. Ministri u deputati ma jistgħux jieħdu l-pensjoni waqt li jkunu għadhom fis-servizz parlamentari; kif għadu jiġri issa ma’ uħud.
5. Meta jivvjaġġaw fuq xogħol parlamentari jew ministerjali, l-parlamentari u l-Ministri jridu jivvjaġġaw economy class u l-hotels ma jistgħux jkunu ogħla minn 4 star.
6. Għandu jkun hemm ugwaljanza f’termini ta’ aċċess. L-irbit bejn salarju u attendenza fis-seduti parlamentari u tal-kumitati tippreżupponi tali uguwaljanza ta’ aċċess. Dan ifisser li s-seduti parlamentari għandhom jinżammu f’ħinijiet “family friendly” biex b’hekk kulħadd ikun jista’ jipparteċipa f’ħinijiet deċenti.