ADPD jitlob lill-Awditur Ġenerali jinvestiga l-infieq tal-Enemalta

ADPD – The Green Party permezz taċ-Chairperson Sandra Gauci talbet lill-Awditur Ġenerali biex jinvestiga il-mod kif qed jintefqu il-fondi tal-Enemalta, fl-isfond tad-diżastru li iffaċċjajna fl-aħħar ġranet fis-sistema tad-distribuzzjoni tal-elettriku.

Hekk kif konna wegħdna fil-protesta li għamilna aħna tal-ADPD ktibna lill-Awditur Ġenerali biex jinvestiga x’investiment sar fis-sistema tad-distribuzzjoni tal-elettriku mill-Enemalta f’dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin permezz ta’ value for money audit.

Nemmnu li l-poplu għandu dritt ikun jaf fejn intefqu l-flus mit-taxxi tiegħu. Huwa inkonċepibbli li xi ħaġa bażika bħall-elettriku trid tiġġieled għaliha meta konna mwiegħda li l-qtugħ tal-elettriku se jsir xi ħaġa tal-passat. Ir-responsabilitá trid tinġarr u l-kontabilitá reali lejn il-poplu hija r-raġuni wara din it-talba ghall-investigazzjoni.

ADPD talab lill-Awditur Ġenerali biex jindaga ukoll x’livell ta’ ppjanar fit-tul hemm fl-Enemalta. Hu essenzjali li f’qasam daqstant kruċjali l-fondi pubbliċi jkunu minfuqa bil-galbu, insistiet Gauci fl-ittra lill-Awditur Ġenerali.

Il-partit iħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku jiffirma petizzjoni biex juri l-appoġġ tiegħu għall-proposti ta’ ADPD dwar l-enerġija:


ADPD asks the Auditor General to investigate Enemalta’s spending

ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Sandra Gauci has written to the Auditor General to investigate Enemalta’s expenditure of public funds. Gauci announced she will be taking this step at last week’s protest organised by ADPD in Valletta that called on the government to act with urgency during the current crisis with respect to the distribution of electricity in Malta. 

Specifically, the request to the Auditor General asks for a value-for-money audit of investments made by Enemalta in the electricity distribution system in the past ten years. 

This investigation is being asked for because tax payers have the right to know how their money is being spent. There is a necessity for transparency, also into the level of long-term planning of Enemalta, so that those responsible for the current string of power cuts and failures can be held accountable. 

Unfortunately, while power cuts were promised to be a thing of the past, this is not the case, and it is necessary to advocate for better electricity distribution systems. Funds towards such basic necessities should be spent judiciously, and we all deserve to know what decisions on procurement and tendering regarding electricity distribution systems have led to our current predicament.

ADPD – The Green Party encourages the public and all those impacted by the power cuts to sign the petition with ADPD’s 10 concrete actions for a greener and reliable energy system:
