George Vella’s comments to the CNN show clear signs of political immaturity, says Alternattiva Demokratika.
Spokesperson for social policy Robert Callus said: “A Maltese minister addressing the CNN will not change Maltese or EU immigration policies one iota, however it will affect the impression the country gives of itself to the outer world.
“Dr Vella’s populist village speak to the CNN shows clearly that he was only addressing a Maltese audience, or sections of it. Unfortunately the CNN is viewed by a much wider audience that is not as easily impressed as the audience which Dr George Vella normally addresses.”
“AD chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said “Rather than using populist rhethoric that has not brought about any tangible results, Dr Vella should address face to face his egoistic Socialist and Christian Democratic colleagues and persuade them to drastically revise the Dublin Convention in order to allow asylum seekers the possibility to move from Malta to other EU countries. Anything less than that is useless prattle.”
“Id-diskors populist u provinċjali ta’ Dr Vella lis-CNN juri biċ-ċar li huwa kien biss qiegħed jindirizza udjenza Maltija, jew partijiet minnha. Sfortunatament is-CNN jarawh udjenza ħafna aktar wiesgħa li ma timpressjonax ruħha daqshekk malajr bħall-udjenza li Dr George Vella normalment jindirizza.”
“Iċ-chairperson ta’ AD, Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal “Minflok juża retorika populista li ma ġabet l-ebda riżultat konkret, Dr Vella imissu jindirizza personalment lill-kollegi tiegħu Ministri tal-Affarijiet Barranin Soċjalisti u Demokristjani egoisti u jipperswadihom biex jirrevedu l-Konvenzjoni ta’ Dublin drastikament biex dawk li qegħdin ifittxu asil ikunu jistgħu jitilqu minn Malta għal pajjiżi oħra fl-UE. Il-bqija huwa kollu paroli fil-vojt.”