AD: "Wied il-Ghasel Mosta Development Unsustainable

In a press conference in Mosta, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that the proposed development at Wied il-Ghasel in Mosta is unsustainable. AD also presented its candidate for the Mosta Local Council elections, Robert Callus. NGO Harsien Patrimonju Mosta participated in the press conference.

Carmel Cacopardo, AD Spokesperson on sustainable development and home affairs, said that in Mosta there are too many vacant properties and there is no need for further development on a large scale. The development permit for an existing building to be demolished and for a number of apartments, penthouses and garages to be developed in its stead should be withdrawn because the land for which the permit was issued is in part land which forms part of the ecological system associated with Wied il-Ghasel. The development which is taking place on this site at present is destroying one of the few remaining open spaces close to the centre of Mosta, and very necessary one.

The original application (PA5560/05) was for 24 apartments and a number of penthouses together with 26 garages. It is pertinent to question the need for this type of massive development in Mosta which will see the building of more residential units when the 2005 census had already indicated that over 16% of 7137 residences in Mosta (amounting to 1151 units) were vacant.

The building of residences which remain unoccupied is an added burden on the resources of the Local Council, resources which can easily be utilised to improve the amenities used by the community of Mosta rather than to serve the interests of speculators.

Robert Callus, a new AD candidate for the Mosta Local Council elections said that the presence of Alternattiva Demokratika on the Mosta Local Council will mean that the Council will put environmental issues on its agenda since these affect the quality of life of every resident of Mosta. The building in Wied il-Ghasel means the destruction of part of Mosta’s natural heritage which the Mosta Local Council is obliged to protect.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “AD is four-square behind Harsien Patrimonju Mosta in its activism against the destruction of the concerned valley. I invite all concerned citizens to check out their website at to verify the facts on this destructive development”.

 Mosta - Wied il-Għasel

AD: L-izvilupp f’Wied il-Ghasel il-Mosta huwa insostenibbli

F’konferenza stampa fil-Mosta, Alternattiva Demokratika qalet li l-izvilupp propost f’Wied il-Ghasel huwa insostenibbli.AD ipprezentat ukoll lill-kandidat taghha ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsill lokali tal-Mosta, Robert Callus. Fil-konferenza stampa ippartecipat l-ghaqda Harsien Patrimonju Mosta.

Carmel Cacopardo kelliemi ta’ AD dwar l-izvilupp sostenibbli u l-Intern qal li fil-Mosta hawn wisq bini vojt u m’hemmx htiega ta’ izjed bini fuq skala kbira. Il-permess ta’ zvilupp biex post ezistenti jitwaqqa’ u floku jigu zviluppati numru ta’ appartamenti, penthouses u garaxxijiet ghandu jkun irtirat ghax l-art li fuqha hareg il-permess hi in parti art li tifforma parti mis-sistema ekologika assocjata ma’ Wied il-Ghasel. Il-bini li ghaddej fuq dan is-sit f’dan iz-zmien qed jeqred wiehed mill-ftit spazji vojta li ghad hawn qrib ic-centru tal-Mosta. Pulmun tant necessarju.

L-applikazzjoni originali (PA5560/05) kienet titlob il-kostruzzjoni ta’ 24 appartament u numru ta’ penthouses flimkien ma 26 garage. Hu opportun li wiehed jistaqsi dwar xi htiega hemm biex fil-Mosta jsir dan it-tip ta’ zvilupp massiv u jinbnew iktar units residenzjali meta c-censiment tal-2005 kien diga identifika li iktar minn 16% ta’ 7137 residenza fil-Mosta (jigifieri 1151 unit) kienu battala. Dan in-numru ta’ residenzi vojta illum 6 snin wara kiber bosta.

Il-bini ta’ residenzi li jibqghu vojta huwa piz zejjed fuq ir-rizorsi tal-Kunsilli Lokali liema rizorsi jistghu facilment juzawhom biex itejbu l-facilitajiet ghar-residenzi li fihom jghixu n-nies u mhux biex jigu mwiezna l-ispekulaturi.

Robert Callus, kandidat gdid ta’ AD ghall-elezzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Mosta qal li l-presenza ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika fuq il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Mosta tkun tfisser li l-kunsill jiccaqlaq fuq issues ambjentali ghax dawn jaffettwaw il-kwalita’ tal-hajja ta’ kull Mosti. Il-bini f’Wied il-Ghasel ifisser il-qerda ta’ parti mill-wirt naturali tal-Mosta li l-Kunsill Lokali ghandu l-obbligu li jhares.

Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD, qal: “AD tappoggja lill- Harsien Patrimonju Mosti ghal hidma kontra l-isfregju ta dan il-wied u nistieden lil kull cittadin koncernat izur il-website taghhom halli jara l-fatti dwar dan l-izvilupp distruttiv”.


Mosta - Wied il-Għasel
