AD urges people to vote YES in the referendum

AD urges people to vote YES in the referendum

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party urged people to vote YES in the divorce referendum on 28th May.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said that “the basic issue in the divorce referendum is that whilst a “Yes for divorce” allows people to choose No in their personal lives, a “No for divorce” does not allow people to choose Yes in their personal lives. AD is proud to have submitted the Irish divorce law to members of parliament, which was subsequently picked up by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Evarist Bartolo. The draft law is based on a responsible model of divorce.”
Michael Briguglio added that “AD is confident that the referendum can be won, if people stand up and be counted. We strongly appeal those who are in favour of the introduction of divorce to vote Yes in the referendum. Abstention from voting can play in the hands of the fundamentalists who, through their misinformation and scaremongering want Malta to remain without this basic civil right. We also appeal to those who do not agree with divorce but do not want to prohibit others from this right to vote yes in the referendum. Those who want to deny divorce to the thousands who need this civil right should not be allowed to win.”
Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, AD Deputy Chairperson and Spokesperson for Civil Rights said that “one should vote yes because adults have a right to make their own decisions about whether they want to stay single, to remarry or to cohabit with their new partner once their previous marriage has irrevocably failed.  Divorce is a civil right which is being denied to a number of people who are not in a position to obtain it from abroad. Malta is the only country in the world where divorce is not granted by the courts but where divorce obtained from many other countries is recognised by the state.”
Prof. Arnold Cassola, AD Spokesperson on EU and International Affairs, said that “Alternattiva Demokratika is asking the Maltese people to live up to the motto of the European Union that we joined in 2004, i.e. ‘United in diversity’.  People might have different beliefs but we should be tolerant of the beliefs of others, even if they are different from ours.   Voting ‘YES’ at the referendum will also be a respectful sign of tolerance of those who do not necessarily share your beliefs, but who are in need of your help to be able to start afresh in life.  Voting “IVA” also means restoring the concept of equality amongst all Maltese citizens and not privileging those who can get a divorce from abroad, as the situation is now”


AD theggeg lin-nies li jivvutaw IVA fir-referendum

L-Alternattiva Demokratika theggeg lin-nies johorgu jivvutaw IVA fir-referendum dwar id-divorzju nhar it-28 ta’ Mejju.
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ l-AD, qal li “il-kwistjoni bazika hi li filwaqt li vot IVA jippermetti lin-nies jaghzlu LE fil-hajja personali taghhom, vot LE ma jippermettix lin-nins jaghzlu IVA fil-hajja personali taghhom. AD hija kburija li kienet hi li ssottomettiet  il-ligi Irlandiza dwar id-divorzju lill-membri tal-Parlament, liema ligi giet imtella ghad-diskussjoni minn Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Evarist Bartolo. Il-ligi proposota hija bbazata fuq mudell ta’ divorzju responsabbli”.
Michael Briguglio, ikkonkluda li “L-AD kunfidenti li r-referendum jista’ jintrebah, jekk in-nies isemmghu lehinhom.  Nappellaw sabiex dawk li huma favur l-introduzzjoni tad-divorzju f’pajjizna jivvutaw Iva fir-referendum.  Astenzjoni mill-vot jaghti vantagg lil dawk il-fundamentalisti li, permezz tal-mizinformazzjoni u kampjanja ta’ biza’, jridu lil Malta tibqa’ minghajr dan id-dritt baziku civili.  Nappellaw ukoll lil dawk li ghalkemm ma jaqblux mad-divorzju, ma jixtiqux icahhdu lill-ohrajn minn dan id-dritt sabiex jivvutaw iva fir-referendum.  Dawk li jridu jcahhdu d-divorzju lill-eluf li ghandhom bzonn dan id dritt civili m’ghandhomx jithallew jirbhu.”
Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, Deputat Chairperson ta’ l-AD u Kelliema ghad-Drittijiet Civili, qalet li “wiehed ghandu jivvota iva ghax adulti ghandhom id-dritt jaghmlu d-decizjonijiet taghhom dwar jekk jixtiqux jibqghu single, jekk jergghux jizzewgu, jew jekk jixtiqux jikkoabitaw ma’ persuna ohra la darba iz-zwieg taghhom ikun falla.  Id-divorzju huwa dritt civili li qed jigi michud lil numru ta’ nies li m’humiex f’pozizzjoni jakkwistawh minn barra minn Malta.  Malta hija l-uniku pajjiz fid-dinja fejn id-divorzju ma jistax jinkiseb mill-qrati taghna, izda li jirrakonoxxi divorzju migjub minn barra.
Prof. Arnold Cassola, kelliem ta’ l-AD dwar l-UE u Affarijiet Internazzjonali, qal li “l-Alternattiva Demokratika qed issaqsi lill-Maltin biex igibu gih lill-motto ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropeja, li Malta saret parti minnha fl-2004: ‘Maghquda fid-diversita`’.  In-nies jaf ikollhom twemmin differenti, izda ghandna nkunu tolleranti lejn it-twemmin taghhom, anka jekk huwa differenti minn taghna. Vot ta’ ‘IVA’ fir-referendum se jkun ukoll sinjal ta’ rispett u tolleranza lejn dawk li mhux necessarjament jaqsmu t-twemmin tieghek, izda li ghandhom bzonn l-ghajnuna tieghek biex ikunu jistghu jergghu jibdew hajjithom mill-gdid. Min jivvota “IVA” ikun qieghed ukoll jerga’ idahhal il-kuncett tal-ugwaljanza fost l-Maltin kollha u mhux jkompli jiffavorixxi biss lil dawk li jistghu jgibu divorzju minn barra, kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni bhalissa”.

PRO Andre`
From: Gonzi Lawrence at OPM <>Date: 2011/5/25Subject: RE: European Green Party Observers Malta Divorce ReferendumTo: Ann Verheyen
Dear Ms Ann Verheyn I acknowledge receipt and thank you for your email attaching a letter dated 24th May 2011 signed by Ms Jacqueline Cremers, Secretary General European Green Party. I look forward to receiving the original as soon as possible. In the meantime I would be grateful if you could inform Ms Cremers that I have never objected to any request made to the Electoral Commission for permission to have observers at the forthcoming 28th May referendum in the same manner and under the same parameters adopted by the Electoral Commission for the 2003 EU accession referendum. However I feel I must remind Ms Cremers that the Electoral Commission is a Constitutionally independent body that acts independently of Government. Yours faithfully Lawrence GonziPrime Minister From: Ann Verheyen [] Sent: It-Tlieta, 24 ta’ Mejju 2011 12:11To: Gonzi Lawrence at OPMCc: Galea Curmi Edgar at OPM; Vassallo Josephine V at OPM; Arnold On. Cassola; Michael Briguglio; cassar ralph
Subject: European Green Party Observers Malta Divorce Referendum
To the Hon. Prime Minister of Malta, Dr Lawrence Gonzi, Hon. Dr Gonzi, Please find attached letter of Ms Jacqueline Cremers, Secretary General of the European Green Party regarding our request for accreditation for two observers to the counting process of the upcoming Divorce Referendum, for your kind attention.  Yours Sincerely, Ann Verheyen on behalf of Jacqueline Cremers, SGEuropean Green Party____________________________________ EUROPEAN GREEN PARTY aisblRue Wiertz 31B-1050 Brussels, BelgiumPh: +32 2 626 07 20 – Fax: +32 2 626 07 29email:
