Ic-Chairperson ta’ AD Carmel Cacopardo qal:”L-emendi li ppreżenta l-Ministru Fearne għan-nom tal-Gvern li t-tfal imwielda minn donaturi ta’ gameti ikollhom id-dritt li jkunu jafu l-informazzjoni kollha inkluż l-identita’ tad-donatur meta jkunu adulti hi konformi mal-prattika internazzjonali kif ukoll ma’ deċiżjonijiet ta’ qrati f’pajjiżi oħra tal-UE u tilħaq il-bilanċ meħtieġ bejn id-drittijiet tal-partijiet kollha.”
“Hemm bżonn iżda li min jirċievi donazzjoni ta’ gameti ikun infurmat bl-istorja medika kollha tad-donatur speċjalment dwar mard trasmess ġenetikament – biex id-deċiżjoni dwar jekk tkunx aċċettata jew le d-donazzjoni tkun waħda infurmata.” “Rigward is-surrogacy Alternattiva Demokratika tinnota li l-Gvern fl-aħħar irrealizza l-bżonn ta’ diskussjoni profonda ħafna dwar is-suġġett.”
“Ikun tajjeb”, kompla jgħid Carmel Cacopardo,”li l-Gvern jirrealizza li fuq materji fundamentali bħall-IVF teħtieġ titwarrab l-għaġġla, jekk irridu diskussjoni serja u matura fil-pajjiż.”
“Li ddum ma tiddeċiedi minħabba li tiddiskuti fil-fond mhux sinjal ta’ dgħjufija imma sinjal ta’ rispett tal-opinjonijiet differenti u xi drabi kuntrastanti li hawn fil-pajjiż. Hu meħtieġ li nirrispettaw iktar l-opinjonijiet ta’ xulxin”, temm jgħid Cacopardo.
AD welcomes Government amendments to IVF law
AD welcomes amendments proposed by Government to the IVF law. AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said:”Minister Fearne’s amendments on behalf of the government mean that children born through gamete donation will, on reaching adulthood, have the right to know the identity of the donor. This is consonant with decisions given by courts in other EU countries and common practice internationally. These amendments balance the rights of all parties involved.”
“It should however be ensured that those receiving gamete donation are informed of the full medical history of the donor, especially information on possible genetically transmitted diseases. It is important that the person receiving the donation is given all the tools to make an informed decision.”
“Regarding surrogacy AD notes that government has realised the need for a deep and comprehensive discussion on such a complex issue.”
“Such issues necessitate deep, mature and serious discussion. Government should realise this. Discussion is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that different opinions are valued and respected. What is clear is that as a country we need to respect each other’s opinions more”, concluded Cacopardo.