AD sodisfatta li l-proposta tagħha għal Triq Reġjonai f’Santa Venera qed tiġi kkunsidrata

 Alternattiva Demokratika tinsab sodisfatta bil-proposta għal saqaf fuq Triq Reġjonali ġewwa Santa Venera. Il-partit jittama li s-saqaf isir malajr kemm jista’ jkun, għax dan huwa l-inqas li jistħoqqilhom ir-residenti, wara stennija ta’ 30 sena. Alternattiva Demokratika sodisfatta li proposta tagħha, proposta li għamlet snin ilu, u li ħadmet fuqha flimkien mar-residenti ta’ Santa Venera l-fergħa taż-żgħażagħ tal-partit, Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ se tara d-dawl tax-xemx.

Alternattiva Demokratika tistenna li la darba jitlesta s-saqaf dan jinbidel f’żona imħaddra u miftuħa. Dan huwa essenzjali għal belt bħal Santa Venera, fejn it-traffiku u t-tniġġis huma mferrxin sew u problema enormi. Apparti minn hekk, Santa Venera għanda nuqqas ta’ żoni miftuħa u mħaddra, u għalhekk din l-opportunità m’għandhiex tintilef.

Alternattiva Demokratika żżid ukoll dan m’għandux ikun żvilupp iżolat. Il-kelliem ta’ AD dwar it-trasport u l-infrastruttura Ralph Cassar qal:”Dan huwa pass tajjeb għar-residenti ta’ Triq Reġjonali, però l-istorja ta’ triq Reġjonali tfakkarna fl-impatt negattiv li t-traffiku għandu fuq ir-residenti ta’ Santa Venera u ta’ Malta kollha.  Hemm bżonn ta’ strateġija olistika fuq it-traffikku, bil-mira li jitnaqqsu u mhux jiżdiedu t-toroq li jżidu t-traffiku lejn żoni mniġġsa. Il-PN u l-PL wrew biss interess fiż-żieda tat-toroq, u l-impatt ta’ dan huwa ċar, anke f’ Santa Venera. Ir-riżultati ta’ dan qiegħdin hemm biex jarahom kulħadd; it-traffiku żdied u l-istorbju t-tniġġis tal-arja għamlu l-ħajja tan-nies infern, bħalma hi dik tar-residenti ta’ fuq Triq Reġjonali.”


Alternattiva Demokratika is pleased that its proposal for the roofing of Triq Regjonali in Santa Venera is moving forward. The party hopes that the roofing is carried out as soon as possible as this is the least that the residents deserve, after waiting for almost 30 years.  Alternattiva Demokratika is pleased that its proposal is finally being taken up. The party’s youth wing Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ has also worked to raise awareness on the need for covering the ‘canyon’ slicing through Santa Venera. It worked together with residents to raise the issue of the pollution, noise and inconvenience this ‘canyon’ is causing.

Alternattiva Demokratika also expects that once the roofing is complete, the newly reclaimed area is turned into a green area and open space. Such a measure is essential for a town like Santa Venera where traffic and pollution are rife every day. Moreover, Santa Venera has very few green spaces. It is crucial that such an opportunity for creating a green area is not missed.

In addition, Alternattiva Demokratika believes that such a development must not be looked at in isolation. Whilst this is a positive step for the residents in Triq Regjonali, this episode should serve as a stark reminder of the negative impact that traffic has on residents in Santa Venera and all over Malta. AD spokesperson on transport and infrastructure Ralph Cassar said: “A holistic strategy on traffic needs to be developed, one which aims to reduce the number of cars as opposed to increasing the amounts of roads taking traffic to already congested and polluted areas. The PN and the PL have only shown interest in the latter, and the results are clear, even in Santa Venera. The results are there for everyone to see: traffic has increased and noise and air pollution have made people’s lives a living hell. Just ask those residents above Triq Regjonali.”
