In a press conference in front of MEPA offices in Floriana, Ralph Cassar, AD General Secretary and Spokesman on Energy, Transport and IT said that during this week MEPA’ Audit Officer concluded an investigation relative to how MEPA acted in the mercaptan case. This investigation was requested by AD. On the basis of how the facts developed AD is of the opinion that there was collusion between MEPA and Enemalta which aided the covering up of the whole matter. In his report Architect Joe Falzon concluded that MEPA did not live up to its statutory obligations as it did not take any action against Enemalta.
AD stated Cassar is of the opinion that MEPA could have avoided the whole incident as it was aware very early in the day as a result of “informal” meetings that Enemalta was anxious to rid itself of the mercaptan in its possession. A full copy of the report of the MEPA Audit Officer is being released.
Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairman and Spokesman for Sustainable Development and Home Affairs said that AD considers that it is opportune to thank Architect Joe Falzon who for more than 8 years gave his services to the country as MEPA’s Audit Officer. He carried out his responsibilities in very difficult circumstances in direct confrontation with an Authority which for a number of years made it very difficult for him to act. In these circumstances one has to not only have stamina but also to be a man of principle such that you are in a position to be of service notwithstanding the continuous obstacles created. It is within this context that AD understands why Architect Falzon felt insulted as to the manner in which he was informed that his appointment would be ending shortly. Unfortunately in this country those that are of service are not sufficiently appreciated.
AD, concluded Cacopardo, welcomes the coming into force of the amendment’s to the Ombudsman Act as a result of which the independence of Architect Falzon’s successor will be strengthened. The Commissioner for Environment and Planning appointed this week is privileged that he will not have to stick his neck out to ensure his independence of action. This is now guaranteed by the Law. This is the result of the stands of principle taken by Architect Falzon throughout the past 8 years.
AD congratulates Architect David Pace on his appointment and point out that his performance will be gauged against that of Architect Falzon. AD considers that the office of the Commissioner of the Environment and Planning to be the citizen’s shield from the arrogance which MEPA periodically manifests. We hope, concluded Cacopardo that the new Commissioner will be such a shield.
AD tirringrazzja lil Perit Joe Falzon ghas-servizz li ta lill-pajjiz
Waqt konferenza stampa quddiem l-ufficcji tal-MEPA fil-Furjana, Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali u kelliemi ta’ AD ghall-Energija, Trasport u IT qal li din il-gimgha l-Ufficjal tal-Verifika tal-MEPA ikkonkluda investigazzjoni fuq talba ta’ AD dwar kif agixxiet il-MEPA in konnessjoni mal-kaz tal-merkaptan. Mill-mod kif zviluppaw l-affarijiet AD hi tal-fehma illi kien hemm komplicita bejn il-MEPA u l-Enemalta li serviet biex ippruvat tahbi dak li gara. Fir-rapport tieghu il-Perit Falzon ikkonkluda li l-MEPA naqset mill-obbligi statutorji taghha u dan meta ma haditx azzjoni kontra l-Enemalta.
AD qal Cassar jidhrilha li l-MEPA setghet facilment evitat il-kaz kollu tal-merkaptan u dan billi kienet taf permezz ta’ laqghat imsejha “informali” li l-Enemalta kellha seba’ mitt sena biex tehles mill-merkaptan li kellha! Kopja tar-rapport shih tal-Ufficjal tal-verifika qed jigi rilaxxjat.
Carmel Cacopardo, Vici Chairman u kelliem ghall-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Intern qal li AD jidhrilha li jkun floku illum jekk insellmu lil Perit Joe Falzon li ghal iktar minn 8 snin ta’ servizz lill-pajjiz bhala ufficjal tal-Verifika tal-MEPA. Qeda ir-responsabbilta’ tieghu f’sitwazzjoni ta’ diffikulta u f’konfront ma’ Awtorita’ li ghal numru ta’ snin ghamiltha difficli biex hu jkun jista’ jagixxi. F’cirkustanzi bhal dawn trid tkun ta’ stamina u ta’principju biex tibqa’ taghti servizz minkejja l-gambetti kontinwi li tkun qieghed tinghata. F’dan il-kuntest AD tifhem ghaliex il-Perit Falzon hassu insulentat bil-mod kif gie infurmat li l-inkarigu tieghu gie fi tmiemu. Sfortunatament f’dan il-pajjiz ghandna ma napprezzawx bizzejjed lil min jaghti servizz.
AD kompla Cacopardo tilqa’ ukoll b’sodisfazzjoni d-dhul fis-sehh tal-emendi ghal-ligi tal-Ombudsman li permezz taghhom ser issahhah l-indipendenza tas-successur tal-Perit Falzon. Il-Kummissarju ghall-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar li inhatar din il-gimgha ser ikollu l-fortuna li m’ghandux ghalfejn jissielet ghall-indipendenza tal-azzjoni tieghu. Din tiggarantihielu l-ligi. Dan kollu gie bhala rizultat tal-pozizzjoni ta’ principju li ha l-Perit Falzon matul dawn l-ahhar 8 snin.
AD tawgura lil Perit David Pace fl-inkarigu li accetta u tpoggilu lill-Perit Falzon bhala l-kejl li mieghu ser jitqabbel. L-ufficcju tal-Kummissarju tal-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar inqisuh bhala tarka tac-cittadin fil-konfront tal-arroganza li minn zmien ghal zmien il-MEPA timmanifesta. Nittamaw li l-Kummissarju l-gdid ikun din it-tarka ikkonkluda Cacopardo.