Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party met the new leadership of Union Haddiema Maghqudin at the latter’s headquarters. AD’s delegation comprised Michael Briguglio, Ralph Cassar and Arnold Cassola. The UHM delegation was led by Jesmond Bonello and Josef Grech.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and Spokesperson for Economy and Finance said: “AD congratulates the new leadership of UHM and salutes the previous leadership of the Union. Both AD and UHM have shared common positions on various issues in the past years, the most notable of which being the support of Malta’s EU membership, and the call for having sustainable national budgets with strong social and environmental priorities. We look forward to increase collaboration with UHM. In this regard, the US example of the Blue-Green Alliance comes to mind, where Greens, Unions, Employers and NGOs work together for the creation of green jobs. Our policy of the Green New Deal proposes the creation of green jobs through sustainable economic policy such as the prioritization of sustainable energy”.
Prof. Arnold Cassola, AD Spokesperson for EU and International Affairs, said: “The UHM has always shown it has workers’ rights at heart. AD encourages it to continue pressing for the upholding of all basic rights of workers in conformity with the standards set by the “European Charter of Fundamental Rights”.
L-AD tiltaqa’ mal-UHM u ssejjah ghal pjattaforma komuni dwar Green Jobs
L-Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party iltaqghet mal-mexxejja l-godda tal-Union Haddiema Maghqudin fil-headquarters tal-Union. Id-delegazzjoni tal-AD kienet tikkonsisti minn Michael Briguglio, Ralph Cassar u Arnold Cassola. Id-delegazzjoni tal-UHM kienet immexxija minn Jesmond Bonello u Josef Grech.
Michael Briguglio, ic-Chairperson u Kelliem tal-AD ghall-Ekonomija u l-Finanzi, qal: “L-AD tawgura lit-tmexxija l-gdida tal-UHM u ssellem lit-tmexxija ta’ qabel. L-AD and l-UHM mhux l-ewwel darba hadu pozizzjoni komuni fuq kwistjonijiet diversi fis-snin li ghaddew, l-aktar wahda li tispikka kienet dik li t-tnejn appoggaw is-shubija fl-Unjoni Ewropea. It-tnejn li huma wkoll appellaw ghal budgets nazzjonali sostenibbli bi prioritajiet socjali u ambjentali b’sahhithom. Ahna nharsu l-quddiem lejn akar kollobarozzjoni fil-futur. F’dan ir-rigward, jigini f’mohhi l-ezempju Amerikan tal-Blue-Green Alliance fejn partiti tal-Greens, Unions, min ihaddem u NGOs jahdmu flimkien ghall-holqien ta’ green jobs. Il-politika taghna tal-Green New Deal tipproponi l-holqien ta’ green jobs permezz ta’ politika ekonomika sostenibbli bhal li tinghata priorita’ l-energija sostenibbli”.
Prof. Arnold Casola, il-kelliem tal-AD ghall-UE u Affarijiet Internazzjonali, qal: “Il-UHM dejjem uriet li ghandha ghal qalbha l-interess tal-haddiema. L-AD theggeg lill-union biex din tkompli taghmel pressjoni biex jigu rispettati d-drittijiet bazici kollha tal-haddiema skont il-kriterji stabbiliti fil-European Charter of Fundamental Rights”.