Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “The past year was positive for Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party, most notably because of the election of two councillors in the local elections, representing an increase in elected representatives. AD also set the ball rolling for the introduction of divorce in Malta, when it took the initiative to write to members of parliament and present divorce legislation. This eventually led to the formation of the historic ‘Yes’ movement, in which AD played a leading role”.
“AD is currently working on its electoral manifesto, which will be subject to approval by its members. In the coming year AD will keep up its role as the progressive party in Malta and as the voice of social justice, protection of the environment, and sustainability”.
“Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party will keep proving that it is distinct from the PN and PL. Despite their differences, both parties are financed by big business and are hell-bent on maintaining a political system with an electoral system tailor-made for their needs. Yet our vote can determine the result of the next general elections. The green vote cannot be taken for granted”.
The AGM approved the following motions:
A motion on Manoel island, resolving that government should make amends for the damage which it has caused with the consent of the Opposition Labour Party as a result of their misconceived politics of encouraging development at all costs, and consequently resolves that government should reclaim Manoel Island back from MIDI and convert it to a recreational park accessible to the public, containing community facilities freeing the space from speculative development and that this should be done without the payment of any form of compensation to MIDI.
A motion about poverty, resolving that concrete and realistic measures should be introduced in order to compensate for the extra burden which is being put on people due to the high cost of living. There should be a realistic evaluation of the cost of living adjustment mechanism (COLA), so that the compensation given annually would really reflect the increase in inflation. To this effect, the method used at present, on which COLA is based, should be revised. The minimum wage should be increased including for part-time and contractual work. There should be a just and sustainable pension reform in Malta. Government expenditure should give priority to alternative energy that ultimately, is the best guarantee against an increase in the expenses involved in polluting energy. It is wastage which should be penalized and not the basic use of water and electricity. This annual general meeting resolves that AD should not use populist discourse with the aim of creating false expectations.
A motion on energy, believing that the state should have a primary role in the provision of energy. It should be made sure that the use of energy is sustainable, and avoid energy poverty, and that work in this field is not precarious. This applies also to energy provided by the private sector. If the private sector doesn’t reach these goals, the state should intervene and regulate in the most effective way possible. The state should subsidise the basic consumption of energy, and penalise waste. The state can make good for the social expenditure in this field by way of progressive fiscal measures, as are the windfall taxes, taxes on environmental damage, and on financial speculation. The continuous emphasis on the use of public transport is another way in which the dependence on oil can be overcome, and fuel will be used in a more efficient and sustainable manner.
AD’s executive approved by the AGM for the year comprises of the following officials: Michael Briguglio, Chairperson; Ralph Cassar, Secretary General; Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson; Henrik Piski, Deputy Secretary General; Simon Galea, Treasurer; Arnold Cassola, International Secretary. Other members of the Executive are: Angele Deguara, Andre’ Vella, Mark Scerri, Richard Schranz and Nighat Urpani.
In the meantime, AD will shortly announce its new team of spokespersons.
PR 21-4-2012
AD Taghmel il-Laqgha Generali Annwali “AD hija l-Partit Progressiv”
Michael Briguglio, ic-Chairperson tal-AD, qal: “Is-sena li ghaddiet kienet pozittiva ghall-Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party, l-aktar minhabba l-elezzjoni ta’ zewg kunsilliera fl-elezzjonijiet lokali li tfisser zieda fir-rapprezentanti eletti. L-AD kienet ukoll dik li bdiet il-process biex gie introdott id-divorzju f’Malta meta hadet l-inizjattiva u kitbet lill-membri parlamentari pprezentat legizlazzjoni tad-divorzju. Dan eventwalment wassal biex jigi ffurmat il-Moviment ‘Iva’, fejn l-AD kellha rwol principali”.
“Bhalissa l-AD qeghda tahdem fuq il-manifest elettorali. li ghadu jrid jigi approvat mill-membri. Fis-sena li gejja l-AD bihsiebha zzomm ir-rwol taghha bhala l-partit progressiv ta’ Malta u bhala l-vuci tal-gustizzja socjali, protezzjoni tal-ambjent u sostenibilita'”.
“L-Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party se tkompli turi li hija distinta mill-PN u l-PL. Ghalkemm hemm xi differenzi bejniethom, iz-zewg partiti huma ffinanzjati mill-kumpaniji kbar u huma determinati li jibqghu izommu hajja sistema politika b’sistema elettorali imfassla ezattament ghall-htigijiet taghhom. Fl-istess hin il-vot taghna jista jiddetermina r-rizultat tal-elezzjonjiet generali li jmiss. Il-vot tal-Hodor ma tistax tiehdu ‘for granted'”.
Il-Laqgha Generali Annwali approvat dawn il-mozzjonijiet:
Mozzjoni fuq Manoel Island, tirrizolvi li l-Gvern ghandu jiehu l-passi necessarji biex isewwi l-hsara li ghamel bil-kunsens tal-Oppozizzjoni Laburista bhala rizultat tal-politika zbaljata taghhom t-tnejn li biha jinkoragixxu zvilupp bla razan u li ghaldaqstant f’dan il-kuntest il-Gvern ghandu jiehu lura Manoel Island minghand il-MIDI u jikkonvertiha f’park rikreattiv ghal pubbliku b’facilitajiet komunitarji u hielsa minn kull zvilupp spekulattiv u dan minghajr ma jhallas l-ebda kumpens lill-MIDI taht kwalunkwe forma
Mozzjoni fuq l-energija, tirrisolvi li ghandhom jiddahlu mizuri konkreti u realistici sabiex jikkumpensaw ghall-piz zejjed li qed jitqieghed fuq in-nies permezz tal-gholi tal-hajja. Ghandha ssir evalwazzjoni realistika ghall-aggustament ghall-gholi tal-hajja, sabiex il-kumpens li jinghata kull sena tassew jirrifletti z-zieda fl-inflazzjoni. Ghaldaqstant, il-metodu li jintuza fil-prezent, li fuqu hija bbazata l-COLA, ghandu jigi aggornat. Ghandha tizdied il-paga minima f’Malta, inkluz ghax-xoghol part-time u kuntrattwali. Ghandu jkun hemm riforma gusta u sostenibbli tal-penzjonijiet f’Malta. In-nefqa tal-Gvern ghandha taghti prijorita` lill-energija alternattiva, li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar hija l-ahjar garanzija kontra z-zieda fl-ispejjez ta’ energija mahmuga. Ghandha tigi ppenalizzata il-hela u mhux l-uzu baziku tad-dawl u l-ilma. Din il-laqgha generali tirrisolvi li AD m’ghandhiex tuza diskors popolista li jipprova johloq aspettattivi foloz.
Mozzjoni fuq l-energija, fejn l-istat ghandu jkollu ir-rwol ewlieni fil-politika u fil-provvista tal-energija. Ghandu jigi zgurat li l-uzu tal-energija tkun sostenibbli, li ma jkunx hemm faqar energetiku (energy poverty), u li x-xoghol f’dan il-qasam ma jkunx prekarju. Dan jghodd ukoll ghal energija pprovduta mis-settur privat. Jekk is-settur privat ma jirnexxielux jilhaq dawn il-miri, l-istat ghandu jintervjeni u jirregola bl-iktar mod effettiv.
L-istat ghandu jissussidja konsum baziku ta’ l-energija u jippenalizza l-hela. L-istat jista’ jaghmel tajjeb ghal nefqa socjali f’dan il-qasam permezz ta’ mizuri fiskali progressivi bhall-windfall taxes u taxxi fuq hsara ambjentali u fuq spekulazzjoni finanzjarja. It-tishih kontinwu tat-trasport pubbliku huwa ghodda ohra biex neghlbu d-dipendenza fuq iz-zejt u l-fuel jintuza b’mod aktar efficjenti u sostenibbli.
L-Ezekuttiv il-gdid ghas-sena li gejja hekk kif gie approvat mil-Laqgha Generali Annwali huwa iffurmat minn dawn l-ufficjali: Michael Briguglio, Chairperson; Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali; Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, Deputat Chairperson; Henrik Piski, Deputat Segretarju Generali; Simon Galea, Tezorier; Arnold Cassola, Segretarju Internazzjonali. Il-Membri ohra fl-ezekuttiv huma: Angele Deguara, Andre’ Vella, Mark Scerri, Richard Schranz, Nighat Urpani.
Sadanittant, L-AD dalwaqt ser thabbar it-tim gdid ta’ kelliema taghha.
Motion 1
Manoel Island Motion
Din il-Laqgha Generali,
konxja li l-izvilupp intensiv li sar f’ Tigne kemm fuq is-sit tal-MIDI kif ukoll fuq is-sit maghrufa bhala ta’ Fort Cambridge kerrah iz-zona kemm vizwalment kif ukoll bhala rizultat ta’ impatti fuq il-kwalita tal-arja b’zieda astronomika ta’ traffiku, liema impatti ser jizdiedu bl-izvilupp propost ghal Town Square,
tafferma li dan l-hekk imsejjah zvilupp bela l-ftit ispazju miftuh li kien ghad baqa’ f’tas-Sliema u li dan il-process ghandu jkunu imwaqqaf l-iktar kmieni possibli,
tirrizolvi li l-Gvern ghandu jiehu l-passi necessarji biex isewwi l-hsara li ghamel bil-kunsens tal-Oppozizzjoni Laburista bhala rizultat tal-politika zbaljata taghhom t-tnejn li biha jinkoragixxu zvilupp bla razan u li ghaldaqstant f’dan il-kuntest il-Gvern ghandu jiehu lura Manoel Island minghand il-MIDI u jikkonvertiha f’park rikreattiv ghal pubbliku b’facilitajiet komunitarji u hielsa minn kull zvilupp spekulattiv u dan minghajr ma jhallas l-ebda kumpens lill-MIDI taht kwalunkwe forma
This General meeting,
conscious that the intensive development carried out at Tigne both on the MIDI site as well as on the Fort Cambridge site has impaired the visual integrity of the area as well as through an astronomical increase in traffic generated has further cotaminated the quality of the air, which impacts will increase with the proposed Town Square developement,
affirms that this so called developement has engulfed the few remaining open spaces left in Sliema and states that this process should be halted the earliest possible,
resolves that government should make amends for the damage which it has caused with the consent of the Opposition Labour Party as a result of their misconceived politics of encouraging development at all costs, and consequerntly resolves that government should reclaim Manoel Island back from MIDI and convert it to a recreational park accessible to the public, containing community facilities freeing the sapce from speculative development and that this should be done without the payment of any form of compensation to MIDI,
Motion 2
Poverty Motion
Peress li skont statistika ufficjali f’Malta hawn madwar 61,000 persuna li huma fir-riskju tal-faqar;
Peress li fost dawn hemm 19,000 persuna li ghandhom nuqqasijiet materjali serji u ma jaffordjawx erba’ jew iktar htigijiet bazici ghall-hajja ta’ kuljum;
Peress li r-rata tal-faqar f’Malta zdiedet meta mqabbla mas-snin ta’ qabel, u issa lahqet il-15%;
Din il-laqgha generali tirrisolvi li ghandhom jiddahlu mizuri konkreti u realistici sabiex jikkumpensaw ghall-piz zejjed li qed jitqieghed fuq in-nies permezz tal-gholi tal-hajja. Ghalhekk:
Ghandha ssir evalwazzjoni realistika ghall-aggustament ghall-gholi tal-hajja, sabiex il-kumpens li jinghata kull sena tassew jirrifletti z-zieda fl-inflazzjoni. Ghaldaqstant, il-metodu li jintuza fil-prezent, li fuqu hija bbazata l-COLA, ghandu jigi aggornat;
Ghandha tizdied il-paga minima f’Malta, inkluz ghax-xoghol part-time u kuntrattwali;
Ghandu jkun hemm riforma gusta u sostenibbli tal-penzjonijiet f’Malta;
In-nefqa tal-Gvern ghandha taghti prijorita` lill-energija alternattiva, li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar hija l-ahjar garanzija kontra z-zieda fl-ispejjez ta’ energija mahmuga;
Ghandha tigi ppenalizzata il-hela u mhux l-uzu baziku tad-dawl u l-ilma;
Din il-laqgha generali tirrisolvi li AD m’ghandhiex tuza diskors popolista li jipprova johloq aspettattivi foloz.
Because according to official statistics in Malta there are around 61,000 persons who are at risk of poverty;
Because among these, there are 19,000 persons who have serious material deprivations and cannot afford four or more basic needs for everyday life;
Because the poverty rate in Malta has increased when compared to previous years and it has now reached 15%;
This annual general meeting resolves that concrete and realistic measures should be introduced in order to compensate for the extra burden which is being put on people due to the high cost of living. Therefore:
There should be a realistic evaluation of the cost of living adjustment mechanism (COLA), so that the compensation given annually would really reflect the increase in inflation. To this effect, the method used at present, on which COLA is based, should be revised.
The minimum wage should be increased including for part-time and contractual work;
There should be a just and sustainable pernsion reform in Malta;
Government expenditure should give priority to alternative energy, that ultimately, is the best guarantee against an increase in the expenses involved in polluting energy;
It is wastage which should be penalized and not the basic use of water and electricity.
This annual general meeting resolves that AD should not use populist discourse with the aim of creating false expectations.
Motion 3
Energy Motion
Din il-laqgha generali annwali tinnota illi:
Il-prezzijiet tal-energija gholew b’mod qawwi u f’daqqa wahda,
It-tbdil kontinwu fil-prezzijiet tal-energija qed jaghmilha mpossibbli li isir ippjanar fit-tul tan-nefqa u investiment kemm mis-setturi ekonomici u kemm mill-individwi u l-familji,
Il-gass fic-cilindri kien meqjus bhala fuel li bih titnaqqas in-nefqa fuq l-energija specjalment tal-familji.
Huwa fatt illi fil-kaz tal-gass fic-cilindri:
Il-gvern prezenti ma ppjanax fit-tul u qabad u nehha kull ghajnuna mil-lum ghal ghada bir-rizultat li l-prezzijiet aktar milli triplaw,
Li kieku l-gvern ippjana kif suppost ma kienx ikun hemm spluzjoni fil-prezzijiet mil-lejl ghan-nar b’konsegwenzi kbar fuq l-infieq tan-nies fuq affarijiet essenzjali,
F’kaz ta’ risors energetiku bhall-gass l-prezzijiet ghall-konsumatur ghandu jkun ikontrollat bis-serjeta u ghandu jkun hemm trasparenza shiha fil-mod kif jigu decizi l-prezzijiet specjalment f’sitwazzjoni ta’ dominanza totali mis-suq minn zewg kumpaniji biss.
Fil-kaz ta’ fuels ohrajn bhall-petrol u diesel:
Irridu niehdu l-opportunita biex mill-krizi tal-prezzijiet taz-zejt nbiddlu s-sistemi ta’ mobilita biex ikunu aktar sostenibbli u ma jiddependux daqshekk fuq il-prezzjijiet internazzjonali ta’ prodotti miz-zejt impurtat,
It-trasport pubbliku u trasport iehor ghandu dejjem jibqa’ jigi zviluppat u mtejjeb;
Ghandha ssir emfasi specjali fuq transport minn u lejn il-postijiet tax-xoghol u minn u lejn zoni u lokalitajiet li jigbdu hafna nies lejhom biex titnaqqas kemm jista’ jkun l-uzu tal-karozzi meta m’hemmx vera bzonn,
Hemm bzonn pjan ta’ mobilita sostenibbli nazzjonali,
Nemmnu li min jaghzel mezzi differenti ta’ trasport ghandu jigi ncentivat, id-dhul mit-taxxi fuq il-petrol u d-diesel ghandhom imorru biex jagevolaw mezzi alternattivi ta’ trasport u biex isahhu l-provizjoni ta’ trasport pubbliku.
Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu u ta’ krizi globali fl-uzu ta’ l-energija, liema krizi hija kkagunata minn uzu insostenibbli tal-energija u li qed twassal ghal faqar energetiku, Alternattiva Demokratika temmen li l-Gvern Malti u l-UE ghandhom jaghtu iktar importanza lil dan is-settur.
Ghalhekk, AD temmen li l-istat ghandu jkollu ir-rwol ewlieni fil-politika u fil-provvista tal-energija. Ghandu jigi zgurat li l-uzu tal-energija tkun sostenibbli, li ma jkunx hemm faqar energetiku (energy poverty), u li x-xoghol f’dan il-qasam ma jkunx prekarju. Dan jghodd ukoll ghal energija pprovduta mis-settur privat. Jekk is-settur privat ma jirnexxielux jilhaq dawn il-miri, l-istat ghandu jintervjeni u jirregola bl-iktar mod effettiv.
L-istat ghandu jissussidja konsum baziku ta’ l-energija u jippenalizza l-hela. L-istat jista’ jaghmel tajjeb ghal nefqa socjali f’dan il-qasam permezz ta’ mizuri fiskali progressivi bhall-windfall taxes u taxxi fuq hsara ambjentali u fuq spekulazzjoni finanzjarja. It-tishih kontinwu tat-trasport pubbliku huwa ghodda ohra biex neghlbu d-dipendenza fuq iz-zejt u l-fuel jintuza b’mod aktar efficjenti u sostenibbli.
This annual general meeting notes that:
Energy prices have increased drastically and suddenly
The continuous change in energy prices is making it impossible for the economic sector, individuals and families to engage in long-term planning and investment
Cylinder gas was considered as fuel by way of which expenditure on energy, especially for families, was decreased.
It is a fact that in the case of cylinder gas:
The current government didn’t plan long-term, and removed all form of aid abruptly, resulting in prices increasing by more than triple the amount.
Had the government planned accordingly, there wouldn’t have been the sudden drastic increase in prices, which resulted in large consequences with regard to peoples’ spending on essential goods.
In the case of an energy resource such as gas, consumer prices should be seriously controlled, with utmost transparency with regard to the way in which such prices are decided – especially in a situation where the market is dominated solely by two companies.
With regard to other fuels, such as petrol and diesel:
Given the crises in oil prices, we should cease the opportunity to change our mobility system, such that this is more sustainable and depends less on international prices of imported oil products.
Public transport and other transport should always keep developing and improving.
Particular emphasis should be made on transport to and from work places, as well as to and from zones and localities which attract many people, in order for the use of cars to decrease, unless absolutely necessary.
There is the need for a national plan on sustainable mobility.
We believe that people who opt for different means of transport should be encouraged, the income from taxes on petrol and diesel should be allocated towards the promotion of alternative means of transport, and towards the bettering of the public transport system.
In light of this, and in light of the global crises in the use of energy, which crises is being caused by the unsustainable use of energy, and which is resulting in energy poverty, Alternattiva Demokratika believes that the Maltese Government and the EU should give more importance to this sector.
Thus, AD believes that the state should have a primary role in the provision of energy. It should be made sure that the use of energy is sustainable, and that energy poverty does not result, and that work in this field is not precarious. This applies also to energy provided by the private sector. If the private sector doesn’t reach these goals, the state should intervene and regulate in the most effective way possible.
The state should subsidise the basic consumption of energy, and penalise waste. The state can make good for the social expenditure in this field by way of progressive fiscal measures, as are the windfall taxes, taxes on environmental damage, and on financial speculation. The continuous emphasis on the use of public transport is another way in which the dependence on oil can be overcome, and fuel will be used in a more efficient and sustainable manner.