AD dwar ir-rizenja tas-Sindku ta’ H’Attard
Carmel Cacopardo kelliemi ta’ AD għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Gvern Lokali għan-nom ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika laqa’ b’sodisfazjon ir-rizenja tas-Sindku ta’ Ħ’Attard.
Ir-ragunijiet migjuba mis-Sur Norbert Pace li “gie imgieghel jirrizenja minhabba xi pretenzjonijiet ta’ xi hadd biex jsir Sindku minfloku” huma infondati. Fil-fatt is-Sur Pace irrizenja qabel ma tressqet mozzjoni ta’ sfiducja illum, iffirmata mill-Kunsilliera kollha, tal-partiti kollha – AD, PN u PL. (ara mozzjoni annessa)
Il-problemi amministrattivi fil-Kunsill ta’ H’Attard ilhom zmien li żviluppaw. Fil-fatt qatt ma gie prezentat il-pjan ta’ 3 snin kif marbut bil-ligi, kien hemm kuntratti li qatt ma gew reveduti u kien hemm nuqqas kbir ta’ attenzjoni u direzzjoni generali fit-tmexxija tal-lokal. Huwa biss bl-impenn u sforz ta’ xi kunsilliera li minkejja d-diffikultajiet setghu isiru certi affarijiet.
F’dan il-kuntest Carmel Cacopardo rringrazzja lill-Kunsillier ta’ AD Ralph Cassar ghall-hidma tieghu fl-oqsma tal-edukazzjoni, energija alternattiva, zvilupp sostenibbli, l-problemi kbar tal-barriera f’Wied Incita u l-iskemi ta’ riciklagg fost affarijiet ohra. Il-hidma tieghu u ta’ kunsilliera ohra saret minkejja nuqqas ta’ interess u direzzjoni mis-Sindku li issa irrezenja.
PR 09/06/2011 AD on the resignation of Attard Mayor
Carmel Cacopardo AD Spokesman on Sustainable Development and Local Govenrment on behalf of Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party, welcomed the resignation on the Attard Mayor.
The reasons brought forward by Mr Norbert Pace that “he was forced to resign due to pretensions to his post” are unfounded. As a matter of fact Mr Pace resigned before the consideration of a no confidence motion later today signed by all councillors from the three political parties : AD, PN u PL. (motion attached)
The administrative problems at the Attard Local Counil have been allowed to develop over a long time. In fact never was a three year plan n terms of the law presented for discussion, contracts which expired were never revised and there was a general lack of attention and direction in the running of the locality. It was only through the dedication of some of the local councillors that notwithstanding the difficulties basic services were still delivered.
Within this context Carmel Cacopardo thanked AD’s Councillor Ralph Cassar for his dedication in areas relative to education, alternative energy, issues of sustainable development, the problems caused by the Wied Incita quarry and waste recycling. His activity together with that of other councillors was carried out in the absence and lack of direction of the Mayor who has now resigned.