AD demands immediate suspension of Keith Schembri

Photo - Times of Malta
Photo – Times of Malta

In view of the developments concerning the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Keith Schembri, with regards to secret accounts abroad and to alleged grafts  involving a Times of Malta director, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “Prime Minister Muscat should immediately suspend Keith Schembri pending a thorough investigation. As the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff, Mr Schembri has access to all reserved information about our country’s security, each individual citizen of Malta, delicate information about possible terrorist activities and any reserved and classified information which only the Prime Minister is privy to.”

“Our country’s security and democracy are at stake. It would be totally irresponsible on the part of the Prime Minister if Keith Schembri is not suspended immediately and kept away from all the state information in Castille.”

Alternattiva Demokratika titlob is-sospensjoni immedjata ta’ Keith Schembri 

In vista tal-iżviluppi dwar ic-Chief of Staff tal-Prim MInistru, Keith Schembri, rigward il-kontijiet sigrieti barra minn Malta u l-allegat tixhim ta’ direttur tat-Times of Malta, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “Il-Prim Ministru għandu jissospendi immedjatament lil Keith Schembri sakemm issir investigazzjoni eżawstiva.  Bħala ċ-Chief of Staff, is-Sur Schembri għandu aċċess għall-informazzjoni kollha riżervata dwar is-sigurta’ ta’ pajjiżna, dwar kull ċittadin Malti, informazzjoni delikata dwar attivitajiet terroristiċi possibbli u kull informazzjoni oħra riżervata u klassifikata li l-Prim Ministru ta’ pajjiż  ikun jaf biha esklussivament.”

“Is-sigurta’ u d-demokrazija f’pajjiżna huma mhedda.  Il-Prim Ministru jkun totalment irrresponsabbli jekk Keith Schembri ma jiġix sospiż b’mod immedjat u jekk ma jinżammx ‘l bogħod mill-files kollha li hemm Kastilja.”
