Today AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo and Executive Committee member Daniel Desira made a submission on behalf of Alternattiva Demokratika for the consultation on the Development Brief requested by Government for the site of the ex-Jerma Palace Hotel in Marsascala.
Cacopardo and Desira said:”Alternattiva Demokratika considers it inappropriate to consider any substantial development on the Jerma site.
The availability of this site is the perfect opportunity for the implementation of the Public Domain Act.
It is useless, maybe even hypocritical to speak in colourful language of the enactment of the Public Domain Act and then not to take any significant initiative to protect the coastal areas and increase public access to same. This is a unique opportunity to translate words into action.
Do we really want to protect the coast from damaging exploitation? This public consultation may be the opportunity to give an answer underlining the national priorities. Coastal protection is a must. Likewise it is essential to increase public access.”