AD calls for an inclusive social policy for people with intellectual disabilities

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party called for an inclusive social policy which recognises and supports choices made by people with intellectual disabilities.

Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, AD Spokesperson on Disability, said: “On the international day for human rights, as part of the activities carried out this week, meant to highlight persons/people with disability around the world, a Committee led by persons with intellectual disabilities within the National Commission for Persons with Disability, gave a presentation aimed at recognising the rights of persons with intellectual disability.

The members of the Committee expressed their wishes, such as that of living independently within the community and of being able to choose with whom to live as from the beginning of their adult years. That of having opportunities as well as the indispensable support from parents and service providers to go out and enjoy themselves like other young people, in order to meet people of the same sex or of the opposite sex and to be able to form and build relationships. They emphasised the difference between support and control where important decisions regarding a more autonomous and a better quality of life are concerned.

“AD recognises the rights of persons with disability according to the Human Rights Act (1998), Article 8 (“right to respect for private and family life”), and according to Article number 12 which stipulates that “men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right”. AD supports persons with intellectual disability in this regard”.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “In the meantime, AD notes a number of positive initiatives in the budget with regards to persons with disability. These include the right to continue receiving the disability pension if they work and earn up to a minimum wage, investment in supported living services, services for inclusion in the labour market as well as an increase in the budget for the Commission for Persons with Disability. On the other hand, one notes that the disability pension, which only amounts to 55% of the minimum wage, was not increased.”

AD issejjah ghall-politika socjali inklussiva ghall-persuni b’dizabilita’ intelletwali

L-Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party appellat ghall-politika socjali inklussiva li taghraf u tappoggja ghazliet li jaghmlu persuni b’dizabilita’ intelletwali.

Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, Kelliema ta’ AD dwar id-dizabilita’, qalet: “Fil-jum internazjonali tad-drittijiet umani, bhala parti mil-attivitajiet imtalla fil-gimgha li tfakkar il-Persuni b’Dizabilita madwar id-dinja, Kumitat imexxi minn persuni b’dizabilta intelletwali fi hdan il-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali tal-Persuni b’Dizabilta tella’ prezentazjoni immirata lejn ir-rikonoxximent tad-drittijiet tal-persuni b’dizabilita intelletwali.

Il-membri ta da nil-kumitat urew ix-xewqa li jkollhom opportunitajiet u sapport, kemm mill-genituri u mill-persuni li jipprovdulhom servizz, sabiex johorgu u jiddevertu bhal zghazagh ohra, kif ukoll biex jiltaqghu ma persuni tal-istess sess jew tas-sess oppost u biex jiffurmaw u jibnu relazzjonijiet. Huma enfasizzaw id-differenza bejn sapport u kontroll fejn id-decizjonijiet importanti dwar kwalita ta’ hajja ahjar u aktar awtonoma.

“Alternativa Demokratika tgharaf id-drittijiet tal- persuni b’dizabilta skont il-Human Rights Act (1998), Article 8 ( “right to respect for private and family life – id-dritt li tigi rispettata l-hajja privata u fil-familja”), u skont l-Artiklu numru 12 li jafferma li “irgiel u nisa fl-eta’ permessibbli taz-zwieg ghandhom id-dritt li jizzewgu u li jibdew familja, skont il-ligijiet nazzjonali relatati ma dan id-dritt” “men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right”. L- Alternativa Demokratika taghti is-sapport taghha lil persuni b’dizabilta intelletwali f’dan il-qasam”.

Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD qal: “Sadanittant, AD tinnota numru ta’ inizjattivi pozittivi fil-bagit f’dak li ghandu x’jaqsam ma’ persuni b’dizabilita’. Dawn jinkludu d-dritt li jzommu l-penzjoni ghad-dizabilita’ jekk jahdmu u jaqilghu sal-paga minima, investiment f”supported living services, servizzi ghall-inkluzjoni fid-dinja tax-xoghol u zieda fil-bagit tal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b’Dizabilita’. Min-naha l-ohra ninnutaw li l-pensjoni ghad-dizabilita’, li hi 55% tal-paga minima, baqghet kif inhi”.
