Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party, calls for a stronger road safety campaign directed at sharing the road. The call comes in the light of an increasing number of road accidents involving cyclists. Dr. Claire Azzopardi Lane, spokesperson for Sports said; “Motorists very often assume that cyclists should only cycle in the cycle lanes, especially on roads such as the Coast Road. A campaign highlighting the need to share the road, whilst not segregating cyclists to cycle lanes is required to safeguard the safety of both cyclists and motorists alike”.
Dr. Azzopardi Lane insisted that cycle lanes with so called “rumble strips” are a peril for cyclists who are training for their sports on the road. While designed for commuting cyclists who have more adequate bicycles and who are travelling at lower speeds, cycle lanes tend to hold debris and proof dangerous for cyclists. AD supports the request by cyclist to have the “rumble strips” removed and request the installation of speed cameras on the Coast Road.
Malta will be hosting numerous international competitive cyclists in the next days, as part of the Cycling Tour of Malta. Alternattiva Demokratika’s spokesperson said: “ Malta has established itself internationally in the field of competitive cycling through the achievements of Maltese athletes, who deserve the respect of fellow motorists on our roads. A ‘share the road approach’ is required and Transport Malta should be one of the entities responsible for educating the public about this.
PR15/3/2016 AD issejjaħ għal kampanja b’saħħitha dwar l-użu tat-triq bi sħab (road sharing).
Din is-sejħa saret fid-dawl ta’ żieda fl-inċidenti tat-traffiku li jinvolvu ċiklisti fit-toroq tagħna. Dr. Claire Azzopardi Lane, kelliema għall-iSport qalet, “Is-sewwieqa ħafna drabi jassumu li ċ-ċiklisti għandhom isuqu biss fis-cycle lanes riżervati għalihom, speċjalment f’toroq bħal Triq il-Kosta. Jeħtieġ li ssir kampanja ta’ informazzjoni għall-ħarsien tas-sigurta` kemm taċ-ċiklisti kif ukoll tas-sewwieqa dwar il-bżonn ta’ għarfien li t-triq hija ta’ kulħadd u trid tinqasam bejn kull min ikun qed jużaha. Iċ-ċiklisti m’għandhomx ikunu kostretti li jsuqu biss fis-cycle lanes.”
Dr. Azzopardi Lane insistiet li cycle lanes li jinvolvu wkoll l-hekk imsejħa rumble strips huma ta’ periklu għaċ-ċiklisti li jkunu qed jitħarrġu fl-isport tagħhom fit-triq. Filwaqt li huma mfassla għal ċiklisti li jkunu qed jivjaġġaw b’roti iktar addattati u b’inqas veloċita`, fis-cycle lanes għandu ħabta jinġemgħa ammont ta’ ħmieġ u skart li jista’ jkun perikoluż għaċ-ċiklisti. AD tappoġġa t-talba taċ-ċiklisti biex jitneħħew ir-rumble strips u biex jitpoġġew speed cameras fi Triq il-Kosta.
Fil-ġranet li ġejjin Malta se tkun qed tospita numru ta’ ċiklisti internazzjonali li se jieħdu sehem fit-Tour ta’ Malta. Il-kelliema għal Alternattiva Demokratika sostniet li; “Malta stabilixxiet ruħha internazjonalment fil-qasam taċ-ċikliżmu, grazzi għall-isforz ta’ ċiklisti Maltin, li jixraqilhom ir-rispett tas-sewwieqa fit-toroq tagħna. Kampanja li ssejjaħ għall-użu tat-triq bi sħab hi neċessarja u Transport Malta għandha tkun waħda mill-entitajiet responsabbli li tara li ssir kampanja effettiva. Is-sigurta fit-toroq għandha tkun prijorita’ assoluta.”