In response to Marlene Mizzi’s comment that more funds would not solve Malta’s migration problems, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof.Arnold Cassola, said: “It is true that money alone does not solve Malta’s most pressing migration problems, but a solution does exist and it is the European Socialists and the European People’s Party that are refusing to implement it. In fact, while we European Greens have clearly in our manifesto that ‘we have to get rid of the current rules of the Dublin Regulation, which force refugees to apply for asylum only in the country where they have first entered the EU’, thus forcing them to stay there, the European Socialists and the European Popular Party have refused to mention the reform of the Dublin Regulation in their respective manifestos, and have limited themselves to the usual empty rhetoric on abstract solidarity.
“The solution for migrants to be able to move from Malta to other countries is there, but you and your Socialist and Christian Democratic European colleagues are refusing to implement it,” concluded Prof. Cassola.
Bi tweġiba għall-kumment ta’ Marlene MIzzi li aktar fondi mhux ser isolvu il-problemi tal-migrazzjoni f’Malta, iċ-Chairpersontta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “Huwa veru li l-flus biss mhux ser isolvu l-problemi ta’ migrazzjoni l-aktar gravi, imma soluzzjoni teżisti u huma l-Partit Popolari Ewropew u s-Soċjalisti Ewropej li qed jirrifjutaw li jimplementawha. Infatti, waqt li aħna l-Ħodor Ewropej għandna ċar fil-manifest elettorali tagħna li ‘we have to get rid of the current rules of the Dublin Regulation, which force refugees to apply for asylum only in the country where they have first entered the EU’, bil-konsegwenza li jkollhom jibqgħu f’pajjiżna, is-Soċjalisti Ewropej ul-Partit Popolari Ewropew irrifjutaw li jsemmu r-riforma tar-regoli ta’ Dublin fil-manifesti tagħhom, u qed jillimitaw rwieħhom għas-soltu paroli vojta dwar solidarjetà.
“Is-soluzzjoni għall-immigranti biex ikunu jistghu jgħaddu minn Malta għal pajjizi oħra qiegħda hemm, imma intom u s-sħab tagħkom Soċjalisti u Kristjan-Demokratici Ewropej qed tirrifjutaw li timplimentawha,” ikkonkluda l-Prof. Cassola.